Chair's Message

Dr. A. Ege Engin
Welcome to the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at San Diego State University. Through our degree programs and research activity, we offer dynamic, relevant, and attractive solutions to the needs of society with more than 20 full-time faculty members.
The ECE Department is strongly committed to excellence in both research and teaching at the graduate and undergraduate levels. The department offers an ABET-accredited B.S. degree program in Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering, online and on-campus M.S. program in Electrical Engineering, M.S. program in Computer Engineering, and joint Ph.D. program in Electrical Engineering.
Our B.S. degree programs provide a solid foundation in the engineering design that is needed to practice the profession or to pursue a graduate degree in the field. The design experience culminates in a capstone design course required of all students. Creativity, consideration of economic and social factors, and the application of systematic design procedures are used to solve problems that confront engineers. The curriculum attempts to achieve a balance between theory and practice that will prepare graduates both for immediate employment and for continued study. The Master of Science programs offer graduates in electrical or computer engineering the opportunity for continued study and further specialization.
Our success is a result of the dedicated work of our faculty, staff, students, alumni, and friends. With their support, our students become graduates who contribute to society by helping to design and supply the high-quality products and services that are necessary for a robust economy.