Johnsons Make Gift to Endow fred harris Chair in DSP


We are pleased to announce that Peggy (BSEE 1985) and Eric Johnson (MSEE 1986) have made a $3,100,000 gift to name and endow the fred harris Chair in Digital Signal Processing (DSP).

Professor Emeritus fred harris started his more than 50 year career at SDSU in 1967 teaching DSP and Communication Systems courses. He is internationally renowned in Electrical Engineering and holds over 35 patents on digital receiver and DSP technology. He is the co-inventor of the Blackman-Harris Window.

Peggy is CEO of Magic Leap, a spatial computing company. Eric is an angel investor. They met at SDSU. Grateful for their SDSU education, fred’s inspiration and life-long friendship, they made the naming gift in his honor.

If you happen to see Peggy, Eric or fred at a community event, an industry meeting or online, please feel free to express appreciation on behalf of the College.

The College of Engineering is grateful for all those who provide much needed philanthropic support. If you or someone you know is interested in making a gift to the College, please reach out to Kate Carinder, SDSU Senior Director of Development at: [email protected].

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